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Create the worker node AMI

The next step is to create the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that will run on each worker node. We recommend using the Amazon EKS-Optimized AMI as the base and installing other tooling you need (e.g., server-hardening, monitoring, log aggregation, etc.) on top of it.

Create a Packer template in called eks-node.json in your infrastructure-modules repo:

└ networking
└ vpc-mgmt
└ vpc-app
└ services
└ eks-cluster
└ packer
└ eks-node.json

Here’s what eks-node.json should look like:

"variables": {
"aws_region": "us-east-2",
"github_auth_token": "{{env `GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN`}}",
"kubernetes_version": "1.13"
"builders": [
"ami_name": "eks-cluster-instance-{{isotime | clean_ami_name}}",
"ami_description": "An Amazon EKS-optimized AMI that is meant to be run as part of an EKS cluster.",
"instance_type": "t2.micro",
"region": "{{user `aws_region`}}",
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"virtualization-type": "hvm",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"name": "amazon-eks-node-{{user `kubernetes_version`}}-v*",
"root-device-type": "ebs"
"owners": ["602401143452"],
"most_recent": true
"ssh_username": "ec2-user",
"encrypt_boot": false
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"echo 'Sleeping for 30 seconds to give the AMIs enough time to initialize (otherwise, packages may fail to install).'",
"sleep 30",
"echo 'Installing AWS CLI'",
"sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install -y aws-cli unzip perl-Digest-SHA jq"
"type": "shell",
"inline": "curl -Ls | bash /dev/stdin --version v0.0.22"
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'bash-commons' --repo '' --tag 'v0.1.2'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'eks-scripts' --repo '' --tag 'v0.6.0'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'metrics/cloudwatch-memory-disk-metrics-scripts' --repo --tag 'v0.13.2'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'logs/syslog' --repo --tag 'v0.13.2'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'auto-update' --repo --tag 'v0.18.1'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'fail2ban' --repo --tag 'v0.18.1'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'ntp' --repo --tag 'v0.18.1'",
"gruntwork-install --module-name 'ip-lockdown' --repo --tag 'v0.18.1'",
"gruntwork-install --binary-name 'ssh-grunt' --repo --tag 'v0.18.1'",
"sudo /usr/local/bin/ssh-grunt iam install --iam-group ssh-grunt-users --iam-group-sudo ssh-grunt-sudo-users --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/allow-ssh-grunt-access-from-other-accounts"
"environment_vars": ["GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN={{user `github_auth_token`}}"]

You must be a Gruntwork subscriber to access the terraform-aws-eks, module-aws-monitoring, and module-security repos used in the Packer template above.

This Packer template installs the following on top of the EKS-optimized AMI base image:

  • bash-commons: A collection of reusable Bash functions for handling common tasks such as logging, assertions, string manipulation, and more. It’s used by some of the other tooling below.

  • eks-scripts: A script that takes the labels on a worker node EC2 instance and converts them to a format that can be passed to the EKS bootstrap script so that those tags show up as labels in Kubernetes.

  • cloudwatch-agent: Send memory and disk usage metrics for your EC2 Instances to CloudWatch. These metrics are not available by default as they are only visible from inside a VM.

  • syslog: Configure log rotation and rate limiting for syslog.

  • auto-update: Configure a Linux server to automatically install critical security updates on a nightly basis.

  • fail2ban: Configure a Linux server to automatically ban malicious ip addresses from connecting to the server via SSH.

  • ntp: Install and configure NTP on a Linux server to prevent clock drift.

  • ip-lockdown: Lock down specified IP addresses so only certain OS users can access them. Primarily used to lock down the EC2 instance metadata endpoint (and therefore, the IAM role attached to the EC2 instance) so that it can only be accessed by specific users (e.g., only root).

  • ssh-grunt: Allow managing SSH access to EC2 instances using IAM. Developers you add to specific IAM groups will be able to SSH to specific servers using their own username and SSH key.

To build an AMI from this Packer template, you run:

packer build eks-node.json

Packer will output the ID of the AMI at the end of the build. Copy this AMI down so you can deploy it later in this guide.