Configure the worker nodes
The next step is to configure the worker nodes in the eks-cluster
module. You can use an Auto Scaling Group to run
the worker nodes using the
eks-cluster-workers module
in terraform-aws-eks
module "eks_workers" {
# Make sure to replace <VERSION> in this URL with the latest terraform-aws-eks release
source = "<VERSION>"
name_prefix = "app-workers-"
cluster_name = var.cluster_name
vpc_id = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
vpc_worker_subnet_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.outputs.private_app_subnet_ids
eks_master_security_group_id = module.eks_cluster.eks_master_security_group_id
cluster_min_size = var.cluster_min_size
cluster_max_size = var.cluster_max_size
cluster_instance_ami = var.cluster_instance_ami
cluster_instance_type = var.cluster_instance_type
cluster_instance_keypair_name = var.cluster_instance_keypair_name
cluster_instance_user_data = data.template_file.user_data.rendered
The code above does the following:
Deploy the worker nodes into the same private app subnets as the EKS cluster.
Pass in the EKS control plane security group ID to the
. Theeks-cluster-workers
module will use this to open up the proper ports in the control plane and worker node security groups so they can talk to each other.Use variables for most of the other worker node settings: e.g., min number of nodes, max number of nodes, AMI to run, instance type to run, and so on. This allows you to use different settings for the worker nodes in different environments.
Sets the worker nodes to run a User Data script rendered from a
data source. You’ll see what thistemplate_file
data source looks like a little later.
Add the corresponding input variables to
variable "cluster_min_size" {
description = "The minimum number of instances to run in the EKS cluster"
type = number
variable "cluster_max_size" {
description = "The maximum number of instances to run in the EKS cluster"
type = number
variable "cluster_instance_type" {
description = "The type of instances to run in the EKS cluster (e.g. t2.medium)"
type = string
variable "cluster_instance_ami" {
description = "The AMI to run on each instance in the EKS cluster. You can build the AMI using the Packer template under packer/build.json."
type = string
variable "cluster_instance_keypair_name" {
description = "The name of the Key Pair that can be used to SSH to each instance in the EKS cluster"
type = string