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Deploy new infrastructure

How to deploy Terraform code from the Service Catalog

There are three ways to use Terraform code from the Service Catalog:

  1. Using vanilla Terraform with the Service Catalog
  2. Using Terragrunt with the Service Catalog
  3. Using Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise with the Service Catalog

Using vanilla Terraform with the Service Catalog

Below are the instructions for using the vanilla terraform binary—that is, with no wrappers, extensions, or UI—to deploy Terraform code from the Service Catalog. See examples/for-learning-and-testing for working sample code.

  1. Find a service. Browse the modules folder to find a service you wish to deploy. For this tutorial, we'll use the vpc service in modules/networking/vpc as an example.

  2. Create a Terraform configuration. Create a Terraform configuration file, such as

  3. Configure the provider. Inside of, configure the Terraform providers for your chosen service. For vpc, and for most of the services in this Service Catalog, you'll need to configure the AWS provider:

    provider "aws" {
    # The AWS region in which all resources will be created
    region = "eu-west-1"

    # Only these AWS Account IDs may be operated on by this template
    allowed_account_ids = ["111122223333"]
  4. Configure the backend. You'll also want to configure the backend to use to store Terraform state:

    terraform {
    # Configure S3 as a backend for storing Terraform state
    backend "s3" {
    bucket = "<YOUR S3 BUCKET>"
    region = "eu-west-1"
    key = "<YOUR PATH>/terraform.tfstate"
    encrypt = true
    dynamodb_table = "<YOUR DYNAMODB TABLE>"
  5. Use the service. Now you can add the service to your code:

    module "vpc" {
    # Make sure to replace <VERSION> in this URL with the latest terraform-aws-service-catalog release from
    source = "<VERSION>"

    # Fill in the arguments for this service
    aws_region = "eu-west-1"
    vpc_name = "example-vpc"
    cidr_block = ""
    num_nat_gateways = 1
    create_flow_logs = false

    Let's walk through the code above:

    1. Module. We pull in the code for the service using Terraform's native module keyword. For background info, see How to create reusable infrastructure with Terraform modules.

    2. Git / SSH URL. We recommend setting the source URL to a Git URL with SSH authentication (see module sources for other types of source URLs you can use). This will allow you to access the code in the Gruntwork Service Catalog using an SSH key for authentication, without having to hard-code credentials anywhere.

    3. Versioned URL. Note the ?ref=<VERSION> at the end of the source URL. This parameter allows you to pull in a specific version of each service so that you don’t accidentally pull in potentially backwards incompatible code in the future. You should replace <VERSION> with the latest version from the releases page.

    4. Arguments. Below the source URL, you’ll need to pass in the arguments specific to that service. You can find all the required and optional variables defined in of the service (e.g., check out the for vpc).

  6. Add outputs. You may wish to add some output variables, perhaps in an file, that forward along some of the output variables from the service. You can find all the outputs defined in for the service (e.g., check out for vpc).

    output "vpc_name" {
    description = "The VPC name"
    value = module.vpc.vpc_name

    output "vpc_id" {
    description = "The VPC ID"
    value = module.vpc.vpc_id

    output "vpc_cidr_block" {
    description = "The VPC CIDR block"
    value = module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block

    # ... Etc (see the service's for all available outputs) ...
  7. Authenticate. You will need to authenticate to both AWS and GitHub:

    1. AWS Authentication: See A Comprehensive Guide to Authenticating to AWS on the Command Line for instructions.

    2. GitHub Authentication: All of Gruntwork's code lives in GitHub, and as most of the repos are private, you must authenticate to GitHub to be able to access the code. For Terraform, we recommend using Git / SSH URLs and using SSH keys for authentication. See Link Your GitHub ID for instructions on linking your GitHub ID and gaining access.

  8. Deploy. You can now deploy the service as follows:

    terraform init
    terraform apply

Using Terragrunt with the Service Catalog

Terragrunt is a thin, open source wrapper for Terraform that helps you keep your code DRY. Below are the instructions for using the terragrunt binary to deploy Terraform code from the Service Catalog. See examples/for-production for working sample code.

First, we need to do some one time setup. One of the ways Terragrunt helps you keep your code DRY is by allowing you to define common configurations once in a root terragrunt.hcl file and to include those configurations in all child terragrunt.hcl files. The folder structure might look something like this:

terragrunt.hcl              # root terragrunt.hcl
└ eu-west-1/
└ prod/
└ vpc/
└ terragrunt.hcl # child terragrunt.hcl

Here's how you configure the root terragrunt.hcl:

  1. Configure the provider. Inside of terragrunt.hcl, configure the Terraform providers for your chosen service. For vpc, and for most of the services in this Service Catalog, you'll need to configure the AWS provider. We'll do this using a generate block:

    generate "provider" {
    path = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
    contents = <<EOF
    provider "aws" {
    # The AWS region in which all resources will be created
    region = "eu-west-1"

    # Only these AWS Account IDs may be operated on by this template
    allowed_account_ids = ["111122223333"]
  2. Configure the backend. You'll also want to configure the backend to use to store Terraform state. We'll do this using a remote_state block:

    remote_state {
    backend = "s3"
    config = {
    bucket = "<YOUR S3 BUCKET>"
    region = "eu-west-1"
    key = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"
    encrypt = true
    dynamodb_table = "<YOUR DYNAMODB TABLE>"
    generate = {
    path = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"

Now you can create child terragrunt.hcl files to deploy services as follows:

  1. Find a service. Browse the modules folder to find a service you wish to deploy. For this tutorial, we'll use the vpc service in modules/networking/vpc as an example.

  2. Create a child Terragrunt configuration. Create a child Terragrunt configuration file called terragrunt.hcl.

  3. Include the root Terragrunt configuration. Pull in all the settings from the root terragrunt.hcl by using an include block:

    include {
    path = find_in_parent_folders()
  4. Use the service. Now you can add the service to your child terragrunt.hcl:

    terraform {
    # Make sure to replace <VERSION> in this URL with the latest terraform-aws-service-catalog release from
    source = "<VERSION>"

    # Fill in the arguments for this service
    inputs = {
    aws_region = "eu-west-1"
    vpc_name = "example-vpc"
    cidr_block = ""
    num_nat_gateways = 1
    create_flow_logs = false

    Let's walk through the code above:

    1. Module. We pull in the code for the service using Terragrunt's support for remote Terraform configurations.

    2. Git / SSH URL. We recommend setting the source URL to a Git URL with SSH authentication (see module sources for other types of source URLs you can use). This will allow you to access the code in the Gruntwork Service Catalog using an SSH key for authentication, without having to hard-code credentials anywhere.

    3. Versioned URL. Note the ?ref=<VERSION> at the end of the source URL. This parameter allows you to pull in a specific version of each service so that you don’t accidentally pull in potentially backwards incompatible code in the future. You should replace <VERSION> with the latest version from the releases page.

    4. Arguments. In the inputs block, you’ll need to pass in the arguments specific to that service. You can find all the required and optional variables defined in of the service (e.g., check out the for vpc).

  5. Authenticate. You will need to authenticate to both AWS and GitHub:

    1. AWS Authentication: See A Comprehensive Guide to Authenticating to AWS on the Command Line for instructions.

    2. GitHub Authentication: All of Gruntwork's code lives in GitHub, and as most of the repos are private, you must authenticate to GitHub to be able to access the code. For Terraform, we recommend using Git / SSH URLs and using SSH keys for authentication. See How to get access to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library for instructions on setting up your SSH key.

  6. Deploy. You can now deploy the service as follows:

    terragrunt apply

Using Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise with the Service Catalog

(Documentation coming soon. If you need help with this ASAP, please contact

How to build machine images using Packer templates from the Service Catalog

Some of the services in the Gruntwork Service Catalog require you to build an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to install and configure the software that will run on EC2 instances. These services define and manage the AMI as code using Packer templates.

For example, the eks-workers service defines an eks-node-al2.pkr.hcl Packer template that can be used to create an AMI for the Kubernetes worker nodes. This Packer template uses the EKS optimized AMI as its base, which already has Docker, kubelet, and the AWS IAM Authenticator installed, and on top of that, it installs the other common software you'll want on an EC2 instance in production, such as tools for gathering metrics, log aggregation, intrusion prevention, and so on.

The packer templates are provided as hcl files in each service module folder, and follow the naming convention of:


Below are instructions on how to build an AMI using these Packer templates. We'll be using the eks-node-al2.pkr.hcl Packer template as an example.

  1. Check out the code. Run git clone to check out the code onto your own computer.

  2. (Optional) Make changes to the Packer template. If you need to install custom software into your AMI—e.g., extra tools for monitoring or other server hardening tools required by your company—copy the Packer template into one of your own Git repos, update it accordingly, and make sure to commit the changes. Note that the Packer templates in the Gruntwork Service Catalog are designed to capture all the install steps in a single shell provisioner that uses the Gruntwork Installer to install and configure the software in just a few lines of code. We intentionally designed the templates this way so you can easily copy the Packer template, add all the custom logic you need for your use cases, and only have a few lines of versioned Gruntwork code to maintain to pull in all the Service Catalog logic.

  3. Authenticate. You will need to authenticate to both AWS and GitHub:

    1. AWS Authentication: See A Comprehensive Guide to Authenticating to AWS on the Command Line for instructions.

    2. GitHub Authentication: All of Gruntwork's code lives in GitHub, and as most of the repos are private, you must authenticate to GitHub to be able to access the code. For Packer, you must use a GitHub personal access token set as the environment variable GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN for authentication:

      export GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN=xxx

      See How to get access to the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library for instructions on setting up GitHub personal access token.

  4. Set variables. Each Packer template defines variables you can set in a variables block at the top, such as what AWS region to use, what VPC to use for the build, what AWS accounts to share the AMI with, etc. We recommend setting these variables in a JSON vars file and checking that file into version control so that you have a versioned history of exactly what settings you used when building each AMI. For example, here's what eks-vars.json might look like:

    "service_catalog_ref": "<VERSION>",
    "version_tag": "<TAG>"

    This file defines two variables that are required by almost every Packer template in the Gruntwork Service Catalog:

    1. Service Catalog Version. You must replace <VERSION> with the version of the Service Catalog (from the releases page) you wish to use for this build. Specifying a specific version allows you to know exactly what code you're using and ensures you don’t accidentally pull in potentially backwards incompatible code in future builds.

    2. AMI Version. You must replace <TAG> with the version number to use for this AMI. The Packer build will add a version tag to the AMI with this value, which provides a more human-friendly and readable version number than an AMI ID that you could use to find and sort your AMIs. You'll want to use a different <TAG> every time you run a Packer build.

  5. Build. Now you can build an AMI as follows:

    packer build -var-file=eks-vars.json eks-node-al2.pkr.hcl

How to deploy newly built AMIs?

Once you build the AMI, the next step is to deploy it to your infrastructure. Each service that requires an AMI offers two configuration inputs for selecting the AMI, and you must pick one:

The two approaches are mutually exclusive. When specifying both, *_ami is always used and the input to *_ami_filters is ignored.

The *_ami input variable can be used to directly specify the AMI to use. When using this input, the value should be set to the AMI ID that is returned by the packer call. It should be in the format ami-<some_unique_hash>.

The *_ami_filters input variable takes in an AMI filter expression that can be used for dynamically looking up a prebuilt AMI. The supported filters for the lookup can be obtained from the describe-images command description in the AWS CLI reference. The most commonly used filters will be:

  • name: Filter by the name of the AMI. Note that this supports unix glob expressions (e.g., *-eks-node will match any image with the suffix -eks-node in the name).

  • tag:<key>: Filter by the given tag key. Note that <key> can be any tag key that is applied to the AMI. For example, to search for AMIs with the tag service-catalog-module = eks-workers, you can use the following filter:

      cluster_instance_ami_filters = {
    owners = ["self"]
    filters = [{
    name = "tag:service-catalog-module"
    values = ["eks-workers"]

    Note that tags are only visible in the account that owns the AMI. Even if you share the AMI in the packer template, the AMI tags will not be visible when you query it from a shared account.