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Publishing your docker image

Once you've verified that you can build your app's docker image without any errors, the next step is to publish those images to an ECR repo. All ECR repos are managed in the shared-services AWS account.

First, you'll need to create the new ECR repository.

  1. Create a new branch on your infrastructure-live repository: git checkout -b simple-web-app-repo.
  2. Open repos.yml in shared/us-west-2/_regional/ecr-repos and add the desired repository name of your app. For the purposes of our example, let's call ours simple-web-app:
# NOTE: we have to comment out the directives so that the python based data merger (see the `merge-data` hook under
# blueprints in this repository) can parse this yaml file. This still works when feeding through templatefile, as it
# will interleave blank comments with the list items, which yaml handles gracefully.
# %{ for account in accounts }
- "${account}"
# %{ endfor }
external_account_ids_with_write_access: []
tags: {}
enable_automatic_image_scanning: true
  1. Commit and push the change:
git add shared/us-west-2/shared/data-stores/ecr-repos/terragrunt.hcl && git commit -m 'Added simple-web-app repo' && git push
  1. Now open a pull request on the simple-web-app-repo branch.

This will cause the ECS deploy runner pipeline to run a terragrunt plan. If the plan output looks correct with no errors, somebody can review and approve the PR. Once approved, you can merge, which will kick off a terragrunt apply on the deploy runner, creating the repo. Follow the progress through your CI server.

Once the repository exists, you can use it with the Docker image.Each repo in ECR has a URL of the format <ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION><REPO_NAME>. For example, for the shared-services account with ID 234567890123, an ECR repo in us-west-2, and an app called simple-web-app, the registry URL would be:

You can create a Docker image for this repo, with a v1 label, as follows:

docker tag simple-web-app:latest

Next, authenticate your Docker client with ECR in the shared-services account:

aws ecr get-login-password --region "us-west-2"  | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

And finally, push your newly tagged image to publish it:

docker push