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Update Logs, Security, and Shared accounts to allow cross account access

In the Reference Architecture, all the AWS activity logs are configured to be streamed to a dedicated logs account. This ensures that having full access to a particular account does not necessarily grant you the ability to tamper with audit logs.

In addition, all account access is managed by a central security account where the IAM users are defined. This allows you to manage access to accounts from a central location, and your users only need to manage a single set of AWS credentials when accessing the environment.

If you are sharing encrypted AMIs, then you will also need to ensure the new account has access to the KMS key that encrypts the AMI root device. This is managed in the shared account baseline module.

Finally, for the ECS Deploy Runner to work, the new account needs to be able to access the secrets for accessing the remote repositories and the docker images that back the build runners. Both of these are stored in the shared account.

In order for this setup to work for each new account that is created, the logs, security, and shared accounts need to be made aware of the new account. This is handled through the accounts.json file in your infrastructure-live repository.

Once the accounts.json file is updated with the new account, you will want to grant the permissions for the new account to access the shared resources. This can be done by running terragrunt apply in the account-baseline module for the logs, shared, and security account, and the ecr-repos and shared-secret-resource-policies modules in the shared account:

(cd logs/_global/account-baseline && terragrunt apply)
(cd security/_global/account-baseline && terragrunt apply)
(cd shared/_global/account-baseline && terragrunt apply)
(cd shared/us-west-2/_regional/ecr-repos && terragrunt apply)
(cd shared/us-west-2/_regional/shared-secret-resource-policies && terragrunt apply)

Each call to apply will show you the plan for making the cross account changes. Verify the plan looks correct, and then approve it to apply the updated cross account permissions.