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Deploy a VPC

The first step is to deploy a VPC. Follow the instructions in How to deploy a production-grade VPC on AWS to use module-vpc to create a VPC setup that looks like this:

A production-grade VPC setup deployed using module-vpc from the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code LibraryA production-grade VPC setup deployed using module-vpc from the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library

We will use the Mgmt VPC to deploy our infrastructure deployment CD platform, since the infrastructure deployment platform is a management infrastructure that is designed to deploy to multiple environments.

After following this guide, you should have a vpc-mgmt wrapper module in your infrastructure-modules repo:

└ networking
└ vpc-mgmt

You should also have a corresponding live configuration in your infrastructure-live repo to deploy the VPC. For example, for your production environment, there should be a folder called production in the infrastructure-live repo that looks as follows:

└ production
└ terragrunt.hcl
└ us-east-2
└ prod
└ networking
└ vpc-mgmt
└ terragrunt.hcl