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IAM users and groups

In the security account, you will need to create all the IAM users for your team. Do NOT attach any IAM policies directly to users; instead, create a set of IAM groups, with specific IAM policies attached to each group, and assign all of your users to the appropriate groups. The exact set of IAM groups you need depends on your company’s requirements, but here are some common ones:


This IAM group gives users full access to everything in the security account. It should only be used for a small number of trusted admins who need to manage the users and groups within this account.


These IAM groups are how you grant IAM users in the security account access to other child accounts. For each AWS account <ACCOUNT>, and each IAM role <ROLE> in that account, you have a group that grants sts:AssumeRole permissions for that role: e.g., users you add to the _account-dev-full-access group will get sts:AssumeRole permissions to the allow-full-access-from-other-accounts IAM role in the dev account (so they will have full access to that account) and users you add to the _account-prod-read-only group will get sts:AssumeRole permissions to the allow-read-only-access-from-other-accounts IAM role in the prod account (so they will have read-only access to that account).

ssh-grunt-users and ssh-grunt-sudo-users

These IAM groups don’t grant any IAM permissions, but instead are used by ssh-grunt to determine who is allowed to SSH to your EC2 instances. Each EC2 instance you launch can configure ssh-grunt with the names of the IAM group(s) that will be allowed to SSH to the instance, with or without sudo permissions. The group names are completely up to you, so you could have many such groups, with whatever names you pick. Once you add an IAM user to that group, that user will be able to SSH to the corresponding EC2 instances using their own IAM user name and the SSH key associated with their IAM user account.


You must be a Gruntwork subscriber to access ssh-grunt in terraform-aws-security.