EKS manages authentication via AWS IAM, which is not an authentication method natively supported by most Kubernetes
tooling, including kubectl
. Therefore, before using kubectl
, you have to use one of the following utilities to
AWS now has first-class support for authenticating to EKS built directly into the aws
CLI (minimum version:
). See Installing the AWS CLI for
setup instructions. To use it, you fist run the update-kubeconfig
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <AWS_REGION> --name <EKS_CLUSTER_NAME>
This will update your kubeconfig so that kubectl
will automatically call aws eks get-token
for authentication; the
aws eks get-token
command will, in turn, use the standard
AWS CLI mechanisms to authenticate to AWS:
i.e., the credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials
, environment variables, etc.
is the official CLI tool for EKS. It’s primary purpose is to deploy and manage the EKS cluster itself, but
you can also use it to authenticate to a cluster. To install eksctl
, check out
these instructions. To authenticate with eksctl
, you run the
eksctl utils write-kubeconfig
eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --region <AWS_REGION> --name=<EKS_CLUSTER_NAME>
This will update your kubeconfig so that kubectl
will automatically call either the AWS CLI or AWS IAM Authenticator
for authentication.
A CLI tool maintained by Gruntwork that supports authentication to EKS, as well as several other important utilities,
such as tools for doing zero-downtime rolling deployments of EKS worker nodes and managing TLS certificates in
Kubernetes. The easiest way to install it is to use one of the pre-built binaries from the
kubergrunt releases page. To authenticate with kubergrunt
, you
run kubergrunt eks configure
kubergrunt eks configure --eks-cluster-arn <EKS_CLUSTER_ARN>
This will update your kubeconfig to use kubergrunt eks token
for authentication.
AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes
A CLI tool maintained by the Heptio and Amazon EKS teams. This was the main tool AWS recommended for authenticating to EKS until first-class support was added directly to the AWS CLI. At this point, there is no reason to install this tool separately, so we are just recording this here for historical reasons.